Closing Remarks

I think it's only right to end this blog with something that wasn't assigned but that I just felt like writing.

Today marks exactly 2 weeks before my last day of high school.

I never thought I'd make it this far. Actually, I always knew I'd make it this far, I just didn't know what I would do after.

This year has been one of many obstacles and challenges—"character development" as I like to call it. But as it comes to an end, I find that the greatest lesson I learned was to depend on myself. To be happy within myself and to find solace in the fact that I exist for a purpose, no matter whether I know what that purpose is or not, but for the fact that my existence means something.

I was never the biggest fan of Athens. I guess you could say I even hated it for a long time. But it's hard to leave the place that I made home over the past four years, and it's even harder to leave the people here behind.

As I look forward, I hope to find myself happier, stronger, and more independent. Less anxious about the future hopefully. Maybe a bit more accomplished.

I don't write stuff like this often. I don't write at all, to be honest. But I felt compelled to write this tonight as reality hit after I've been so distracted with exams and work and the rush of the end of senior year. These conversations are usually reserved for texts with my closest friends, and even then few and far between.

When I come back to this in one, five, or even twenty years, I hope I remember where I was when writing this. Very anxious, lost, and honestly not the happiest. But optimistic. Looking to make something of myself. And hopefully. Just hopefully. Everything will work out as planned.
